Thursday, March 26, 2020

Life in the Time of Corona

Trumpeter swans
As usual I've been isolated, bored and restless in Ferndale over the winter. In the past few weeks the weather has brightened up, but just when I was beginning to think I might start riding my bike to work again, the COVID-19 stay-at-home orders took effect. A week ago my boss called as I was leaving for work, to say that the store was closing for at least the next two weeks. He promised that we'll be paid for all hours scheduled for those weeks, and then receive partial pay after that, until the store can open again, who knows when. Luckily I still have savings to keep me from too much worry for a while. Since they're mailing paychecks I will make weekly trips in to Bellingham to pick up my check and mail at the Post Office - by bicycle, weather permitting, or on the bus if it's stormy, which is not uncommon in March. Or April.

I am well, though stiff and out-of-shape from being sedentary and stuck indoors for so long. Early this month I had immunization shots for flu and shingles, which I think may have fired up my immune system to help me resist the virus (I hope). The injection site was very sore and swollen, with a lot of back pain and muscle pain in my arms and legs for a few days afterward. Vaccinations were a new thing when I was a kid, my parents were both skeptical and careless about medical insurance and doctors, so I've had to make up for that as an adult.

I've been out for some 20-25 mile rides. Yesterday I rode through Lynden to Everson and back to Ferndale, a 42 mile round trip. Car traffic was light, but I saw Moms with kids riding bikes in some neighborhoods (at safe social distances), and farmers out working in the farms and dairies, and big flocks of trumpeter swans feeding in the stubbly, greening fields.

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